What is Electronics - Branches of Electronics - Introduction to Electronics- Electronics Engineering


Electronics is a science that deals with electrical devices and circuits that operate by controlling the flow of electrons or other electrically charged particles. 

Branches of Electronics

Analog Electronics: Analog electronics deals with analog signals. Analog signals are continuously variable signals. This is in contrast to the digital signals that generally take only two levels.

Digital ElectronicsThe digital electronics deals with digital signals. Digital signals are the signals that take usually two levels or finite number of levels.

Power Electronics: Power electronics acts as an inter face between the electrical source and electrical load.It applies solid state electronics to the transformation and management of electrical power.

Micro Electronics: Microelectronics is the branch of electronics that is related to the electronic designs at very small scale.

Opto-electronics: Opto-electronics is the branch of electronics that combines objects, that is light with electronics. It includes the use of light sources.

Embedded systems Electronics: Embedded systems are designed to perform a fixed function with no or minimum human interference they are controlled by a real-time operating system that is combination of computer hardware and software. 

Semiconductor Electronics: Semiconductor electronics deals with semiconductor materials like silicon, germanium, gallium. The conductivity of semiconductors lies between that of conductors and insulators.


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